What are the Top 5 "most pro" 2v2 maps?

 2v2 is the most popular form of the game at "Pro level". This is unusual in competitive gaming as usually 1v1 is considered serious games and team games are for fun in most other RTS. In Red Alert however the game mechanics often mean that 2v2 is a better style of game. 1v1 can be very monotonous base trade or Q style games with little room for creativity. Maps such as Keep off the Grass or HJK6 are exceptions to the rule and offer fun styles of game. Ford did an article on top 10 maps in general here. This, however, is a post centred around the best 2v2 maps so I shall not digress too much. 

I shall try to be objective as possible in defining the top 5 "most pro 2v2" maps and not choose my personal favourites (for example I have always enjoyed playing Pico 2v2 but it obviously doesn't make the cut as it is considered a gimmick map). Such things shall be considered in the ranking to make it as objective as possible: Popularity, Skill ceiling, Range of tactics (can allies and soviets both reasonably be played?), Teamwork, Map fairness (money balanced?).

Firstly I will get it straight off my chest and say that Ribbon Isle does not make the cut, despite its huge popularity. Neither does 4c Niklas. Ribbon Isle can become a stack off cluster fuck in the middle of the map, where often cruiser laming will decide the game. The map also has the problem of money imbalance. Germany also generally has a huge advantage for most players so the map is one dimensional. 4c has the huge problem of not being able to fit all 4 cocks through the hole at the bottom - this means that 4c can often become a lottery in terms of who takes North money first - therefore the skill level is lower than other maps. 4c is an amazing map, but it is a 1v1 map in my mind. 

V7 doesn't make the cut because it is a map which is fairly easy to defend and spam so therefore the range of skills required is not as high as other maps. You can pretty easily go 10 cy tesla spam or 6 war medium spam without much harassment on this map so it lacks the early game defensive skills required on the maps which did make the cut. 

5) Z Canuta Ore

The only ore map on the list. This is a solid map created by NastyNate which requires good tanking, scouting and money efficiency. It's not as highly ranked as some other maps on the list because it is true that ore maps are fairly limited in their range and diversity. You simply don't have the financial resources to execute the sort of tactics you could deploy on other maps. Also tanking is the overruling method of play on this map. You cannot 10 cy build for example. Yes you can potentially hybrid however overall it is a fairly one dimensional map type. Regardless, it definitely merits inclusion on the list as it strongly tests a specific skill set in Red Alert and is popular on the pro scene. I think Z Canuta is the best of the ore maps. 

4) Crush's Basement

At number 4 we have Crush's Basement. This is a hugely popular map created by Ford around 2017. Ford made the map after he was malding he lost to me 1v1 on HJK6 playing as Germany vs Russia so he wanted a map which focused on tank battles. This is a hugely popular map at the pro level and tests players' GQ/SGQ ability to the max. Russia can play here but in generally Germany will have a huge advantage and win the majority of the time. The reason it is not higher on the list is because it is limited in terms of its range of tactical options. It is fairly easy to block the gate and so rushing is pretty rare. Spam tanks and battle is pretty much the optimal option. There's also the problem that trucks do become chaotic once the inside money depletes and so the money situation holds the map down a bit. Still, this is a good solid map often seen in pro 2v2 games and deserves its status on the list as it is the best raw tanking map. 

3) Spacecraft

Yes it might seem arrogant to include a map I personally created on the list but it is for good reason. Spacecraft has quickly become one of the most popular maps on the 2v2 scene. It offers the challenging aspect of having to control your trucks manually to harvest gems instead of ore, this automatically raises the skill level required as you cannot just spam like a robot. You are also forced to fight for the middle and use your money efficiently to maximise production speed capability. It's a very fun and skillful map which sees many good games. Tanks and teslas can be a potent combination and often choosing the right moment to pop out a couple extra CYs can swing the game. Rushing is also possible so you need to be able to defend to a high level and scout the map well. Overall this is a very skillful map and it deserves its 3rd place ranking. 

2) T-Dawg

Credit where it is due. NastyNate may be best known as the guy who always ducks 1v1s, but he is also now known as a premier map creator in Red Alert. To date, this is his finest creation. T-Dawg has become a staple pro 2v2 map. You can choose both Soviets or Allies and have a strong chance of success. The "fight for the middle gems" which the map demands creates some extremely fun and exciting games. Teamwork is also incredibly important on this map as allocating resources to securing sections of the map can be the defining factor. There's also a plethora of tricks you can do on this map such as transporters, thieves, helis, migs, as well as plain old light tank rushes. This is a very diverse and highly skilled pro map and absolutely deserves its ranking. 

1) P4 [2k12 Rashowdown]

This might come as no surprise. I don't personally enjoy playing P4 all that much because it can become a stamina contest. There is no denying, however, P4's status in the 2v2 Pro scene. At one point Red Alert literally became 2 separate games. You had P4 players, and you had Path/gem map players. That's how powerful and meaningful P4 was in Red Alert. It became a game on its own. P4 even to this day remains one of the most popular maps in all of Red Alert and has been that way for 20 years. Most average pros will be seen playing P4 2v2s as the "go to" game of choice. It's true that P4 is very fair in terms of money for either side (unlimited ore), and the speed and accuracy required on P4 trumps other maps. Raw production speed is extremely important on P4. Scouting well and defending are very important skills in the early game (often engineers need to be micromanaged well). You can also choose either Soviets or Allies. In the early game, Germany can be very strong with their spam of medium tanks and can later branch out into chronospheres and heli spams. Soviet players can nader aggressively or bunker and go for a 10 cy-v2 style game. There's a massive range of options you can choose from in your style of play. While it's true you might see the top players playing T-Dawg, Spacecraft or Basement more often these days, this isn't enough to dethrone P4's status as the overruling Pro 2v2 map.

Hope you enjoyed reading. I would urge all casual players to play these maps as you will develop the skills necessary to one day compete with the "Pros"



A guest journalistic contribution submitted by the Four Letter Word of CnCNet, an individual whom many believe to be the reincarnation of Ehy.

 CnC Net 5: The Return of the Noob

   It's the beginning of your ra1 career, a journey everyone will take. Most start at the very humblest of beginnings.

Rarely do players join the CnCNet 5 server with the knowledge and experience to match the skills of a veteran pr0.

The pr0, although greatly outnumbered is not difficult to find. You may have noticed a clan tag for instance, someone with gold medal and colored font in chat.

Most will be identifiable by peacocking (visable flair). this attracts the noob. inexperienced players will admire a pr0 with these cosmetic features.

Unbeknownst to them that this distingquishable trait is more of a percieved social status then a reflection of skillset and character.

"Our community is like a wolfpack. Youngsters wanna prove themselves and become leaders by beating elders. It's OK. It must be. Youngsters must surpass elders some day. That's the way of the nature." -boke yuzgen circa 2016.

Much like in pr0 sports, often times the best players are just that. a better player then others, and nothing more.

This unfortunately doesn't translate into role model and leadership positions. And much like pr0 sports, just because someone is a better PLAYER at a videogame doesn't make them a better PERSON. Thus resulting in the current pr0 scene and the server in general.

Fanboys Beware I suggest with caution, to The noob and average player, or fellow pr0 do not appoint false idols soley based on playing abililty. The future of your gaming career and overall experience on the server are dependent on it! (think i'm kidding?!)

[9:05 PM]

Wait so noobs and average players actually matter? Of course! Actually more then you would ever realize... In this game of who's who, The numbers suggest the pr0s are vastly outnumbered by the common man.

The reason you may ask? there is no relationship with the pr0 community bridging the gap to future pr0s on the verge of making the next step in their play.

Lack of opportunity comes to mind as the pr0 scene gameroom is almost impossible to join. That's joining the room without being banned or kicked. 

If you do manage to find a seat, better not expect to play. you will be told to change your country as spectator. pr0 rooms are 2v2 teams (only 4 players playing) and usually 4 spectators.

1 room, usually full room 8/8 and played with preset teams further removing anyone;s chance at "jumping in" for a round. When "chanced" with playing in such room Ego, Expectations, and Emotion are set high.

Often even other fellow pr0 players are on a short leash. Only getting only 1 chance to prove themselves in game. Winning? its simple the Wins are expected. period, no excuses. And losses??

As the game ends, Losses will be met with partner blame as in game frustrations bleed into the main lobby for everyone to see.

Often times forgetting they were once that very same hungry player just looking for a shot, to improve their game and get a chance in the ring with the pr0s.

ironically enough dont be surprised when the very player you fanboyed for, looked up to, and supported when you were noob, later find out is the same pr0 guy pissed with you after the game...

[9:06 PM]

Is the grass greener on the other side? To the average player or noob who has a passion for the game. Learning build orders, understanding soviet and allies factions. playing in 1v1 and team games.

Players who don't want to be kicked from game rooms anymore and are stacking some wins. Gaining some reputation from peers alike. Building confidence wanting to take the next step to push yourself out of your comfort zone. Striving for greatness, improving To get your skills up to a point where you can finally play amongst some of the highest rated pr0s within the community. Just to come to find out, a small sub group of the community, who are considered the best is actually home to some of ra1s more interesting & controversial characters. This group of players consists of but not limited to: 

cheaters: (multiple offenders) some caught multiple times. some players know, some don't. (It is what it is.)

Trolls: oh ya. believe it or not some of the most toxic trolls happen to be pr0s. Weak minded pr0s who cant handle them usually tattle tale and becomes known as: a rat or snitch. (tell on other players to admins.)

Speaking of admins and admin wannabes: also are part of the pr0 community these guys have a false sense of entitlement. abusing their limited power to satisify personal needs.

Wether it be banning other pr0s for "spamming lobby" or altering the results on the ranked match system in their favor. Finally, Overrated players: players who are 1 dimensional. (SGQ tanker) 1 map wonder. (p4 2v2 only) 1 playstyle (gem builder with preset base) also players who have piggybacked off others success.

So are you getting excited yet? welcome to the big leagues, kid.

[9:07 PM]

My advice to the up n comer?! wondering what the room with the gold medal in Teal font is like. enjoy the process. some of the most fun ive had with the game is growing as a player. "(9) [05:43 PM] <xod7> 5 wins for me i'm almost medium". do not rush or skip this part. losing must be a essential part of any players game.

Taking losses is the only way to learn. the ability to learn from your mistakes as well as others is what will set you apart from your competitors. There is no better feeling then getting a few wins after all the beatdowns you've recieved. "(9) [05:16 PM] <DingFdong> Let me have my litlle victory they dont come that often".

The noobs greatly out number the pr0s. i think this is what cnc net 5 needs. a noob uprising. i declare this The Return of the Noob.

We aren't gaining new players, so for the game to continue we must take what we have and make it better. the noobs must become average. the average must rise up and become pr0. this is the way. pr0s need to give these on the verge players a chance to grow and become one of the pack.

most pr0s forgetting they were that same player looking for a chance years ago. From a tunnel vision point of view you could see cnc net 5 as being on the decline. maybe for the pr0 scene that is true. but overall for ra1. i see alot of opportunity for games of all types and styles.

are they going to be pr0? most likely not, but maybe with the help of a few players they could one day become "pr0 rooms", "(10) [11:17 AM] <[1]abc> someone make pro game pls" Whos next?

[9:07 PM]

example of game room selection random sunday:

(9) [05:10 PM] * Players in 1V1  NOT PRO: jack__ BombDiggity | Map: Rocky Mountain Goldr...

(9) [05:12 PM] * Players in NOOBS & MEDIUM: johto | Map: Rivers Wild (Mega 8 ...

(9) [05:15 PM] * Players in Gold Rush 3x3 SLIM: Lloyd Cp9 | Map: Rocky Mountain Goldr...

(9) [05:29 PM] * Players in [croboy-DP]-PRO P4: [croboy-DP] [BAT]Metz Zobbe [TKT]Ahlem |hK|STNK-PI [EV]-Ethia | Map: Official 2011 P4-Ras...

(9) [05:18 PM] * Players in [BAT]Hrvatska-ova igra: [BAT]Hrvats NastySant1 [BAT]Queza [BAT]Metz Jaquar [TKT]Ahlem [croboy-DP] MAMBOKING-W | Map: Official 2011 P4-Ras...

(9) [05:13 PM] * Players in [oP-Lordy]'s game: [oP-Lordy] [NM]leigh NastyRobska Dynamic |oP-Bea5ty| NastyNate t[A]nja | Map: T-Dawg by NN (Autoal...

(9) [05:18 PM] * Players in [NM]leigh's game: [NM]leigh t[A]nja RAM-yuzgen Dynamic ORA-Crushy NastyNate |oP-Bea5ty| | Map: Ad's Snowcut [2v2 In...

(9) [05:31 PM] * Players in crates t10: Bubblegum | Map: Crates of the Villag...

[9:07 PM]

Finally, a little poem:

Pr0 Scene; man it's not the same

Does it have to do with talent? it's about playing the game

The Pr0 Scene; real players is dying to get in

The Pr0 Scene; just to find they don't fit in

The Pr0 Scene; ain't what it used to be

The Pr0 Scene; trying to control the way you play

They want you to play like this and talk like that

But I'm gone play like this and talk with the smack

The Pr0 Scene; got y'all word meaning nothing

The Pr0 Scene; fuck what you heard cause he's bluffing

The Pr0 Scene; money, bitches, hate

But I dare you to try to take a fucking thing off my plate

The Pr0 Scene; if you ain't got a strong mind

The Pr0 Scene; will break you down its a matter of time

The Pr0 Scene; vultures with nothing to feast on

The Pr0 Scene; see me I'm getting my beast on

I'm not an industry artist, I'm an artist in the industry

That's why I do what the fuck I want, cause nobody can finish me

The Pr0 Scene; playing you like a Pr0 Scene bitch

They tried to finish me quick but I am long, so I stand strong...

To all dying to fit in, but born to stand out

[9:09 PM]

my shit is official

[9:09 PM]

i'm a fucking boss

[9:09 PM]

stop playing with me

[9:09 PM]