Well it needs to be said and documented. I like to give credit where it's due. 

Dynamic is hands down and without any shadow of a doubt now the best player I have ever played in 1v1 in 12 years of playing Red Alert 1 online.

He is better than all of them - Ehy, Milo, Ford, RC1985, Bea5ty, At0m1, Faust, NastyNate, Mclovin etc.

And no. I am not being melodramatic. This guy is a pro gamer and is now on another level to all of them.

I just don't want there to be a point in future where people hum and haw and debate who was better like we do for past eras when talking about Niklas, Nike 1 etc. At the very least for the 2011-2023 period, Dynamic is easily the best 1v1 player I've ever faced and no one is better poised to say this than me as I have played all of the above people endless 100s of amount of games. 

Sorry N8Diaz, Dynamic would ABSOLUTELY DESTROY Milo (aka Blank). Because he does everything Milo does (ultimate production) but also plays with brain and knows how to defend as well.

Dynamic oblitered Bea5ty 8-2 in their Fight Night, 5-0 in tournament, and 8-1 in last 9 ladder games. This makes a total score of 21-3 against the stand out 2nd best player. Bea5ty is an incredible player and for Dynamic to demolish him like that is a testament to his strength.

So just why is Dynamic so good? He has the total combined range of skills. Some players are maybe slightly deficient in some categories (eg RC was never a great soviet builder player, Milo was bad at defending rushes, Faust was bad on certain niche maps like Pico and not the best on P4 scouting).

Dynamic has incredible defence. It's almost impossible to rush him. For example he is 60-0 against the likes of Lordy and Jacob in his last 60 games against them. This is just insane because those 2 are good players.

His production is as good as anyone now, and near perfect. He does not miss an opportunity to produce or place a building.

Also, a huge strength he has over other players is his SCOUTING. He sees EVERYTHING. Every rush coming and is constantly watching the map. Bad players like me and robskate often don't do this and get caught off guard - we are somewhat lazy. He is constantly scowering the map so he does not miss anything and can make rapid decisions to adapt. 

He's also insanely strong with early game micro and applying pressure. He will demolish you with early Q or infantry/naders on a map like Path Beyond or Pico. His micro management with ore trucks etc on ore maps is also second to none and I'd even go so far to say I think there's some maps where he's unbeatable.

Some might argue, "Gganbu beat him 17-15 a couple months ago." Key point: a couple of months ago. Dynamic has improved from 9.5/10 to 9.9/10 in those few months. He's improved to an even higher level in that time and it would be interesting to see them play now. I think he'd adapt to Gganbu's style of play. The improved results against Bea5ty are a testament to this improvement.

So yes, I am happy for this to be used as a reference point going forward. Dynamic is the best 1v1 player of the CnCNet 5 era of Red Alert and it's not even debateable at this point. Like I said, I played them all 100s of times, and wins against the others are very much more possible than against Dynamic.

Thanks for reading,

CrushyBoo (12th February 2023)