The 5 Most UNDER-RATED players on CnCNet

A list of who I think are the most underestimated players in the game at present. These players have some generalisations about them which are misappropriated so I would like to address this. Enjoy reading. Suggestions in comments welcome.

5. Natu                        

When I published my Player Grades 2020, an anonymous player sent me the following message: "How dare you put Natu above me, this is an insult, fuck your rankings". I told said player that they were welcome to challenge Natu to a Bo9 1v1 and if he proved he was superior then I would swap them. I informed this player that they would be impressed by Natu's improvement over the last year. Unsurprisingly this hasn't happened. Natu deserves to be in the B- tier on my 2020 grades as his improvement has been phenomenal. He is pretty solid on ribbon and P4, and he is especially good on Liquid. I remember a recent 3v3 Liquid game tanking him north and I was like "how is he not dying". I looked in score after game and we were the only ones with 350+ tanks. His improvement is very noted and players such as myself are noticing it. I am tired of people throwing shit at Natu when it is undeserved. He is generally a respectful player and a good representitive of the WP clan. Anyone who doubts him can challenge him 1v1. I think Natu can go even higher as he is just starting to learn to harness his pro abilities. Natu: in 2021 I would like to see you playing in the 1v1 rankings ladder and take your game to the next level. This will silence the doubters completely.

4. Jacob                 

Everyone knows Jacob is an absolute pwnzor on his tank production. However people have a misconception that he is a 1 trick pony. My message to you is to play him on a long game with Germany eg turrets and boats - there is currently no-one better at that type of game with the exception of maybe Ford. Jacob's turrets are made of titanium. Also his soviet long game play is extremely underrated. Watch him go on 10 soviet cys when he rarely does it and you will be extremely impressed. He is a true long game pwnzor.

3. Lordy                

 Because Lordy talks a ludicrous amount of shit, people have him labelled as an arrogant loudmouth English noob. The truth is that Lordy is actually a very good player nowadays and can beat anyone on a random game on 1v1. He has a very good rush. This is why he trash talks like a WWE villain. Lordy is no longer the Lordy_No1 noob that everyone remembers getting embarrassed by Snipe2k1 in 2016. [Lordy-TA] has become a genuine strong player. He still has his bad games, usually when he's been on the Pink WKDs and the fridge is empty. But Lordy's level now in general is very pro and people overlook this because of the amount of garbage trolling that comes out his mouth.

2. Oldpro              

 The official rank 1 most delusional player on Red Alert. However OldPr0 is not as shit as people will have you believe. Amongst all the incorrect perceptions he holds, OldPr0 does occasionally talk some sense. Sometimes the ugly bird does actually catch the worm. For example he is correct that there's a legion of 1-dimensional GQ tankers who can do nothing else and can't adapt eg rushing/transitioning/macro. He is correct in saying he would beat these guys silly in a long game. Look I'm not saying OldPr0 isn't shit because he is. However he is not as shit as the naysayers and his doubters will have you believe. He is very good at certain aspects of the game (specifically 10 cy spam). He's also improved some aspects of his game, such as ore map play and occasional German tanking so kudos to him for trying to put his words into action. It is true that OldPr0 should learn the micro aspect and keyboard use side of the game and he would be a feared opponent for anyone.

1. Bart

Bart is notorious on CnCNet for being a troll who ruins games by driving his MCV across the map or by going migs or yaks. People routinely kick him from the room when he joins 2v2 pro games because of this and his repeat offending. However catch him on a serious day when his Marijuana stock has run out and you will be amazed to find a genuine pro level talent. Especially on maps like North by Northwest and Path Beyond, Bart is a force for anyone. Any random P4 player who thinks Bart is a noob should face him on his own backyard and he will send you to your grave. Bart is the true Yin and Yang of Red Alert. He ventures from being a stoned weirdo bipolar noob who complains about lag in a warp speed game, to being a top 10 standards map player on CnCNet. My message to Bart for 2021 would to try to be serious all the time and leave that bipolar feminist alter-ego of yourself behind for good. Underestimate Bart at your peril...

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more!