Player Focus Series: [WP]Dutchy


 An interview with everyone's favourite crazy dutchman, Dutchy of the famed WP clan. Dutchy has steadily been improving his game. He was always known as a bit of a noob but in the last couple of years has definitely stepped up his game as he worked on his shifting. Nowadays, you will find that he is a strong opponent on maps such as Ribbon Isle. [Answers in bold]:

1) Tell us a little about yourself and when did you start playing Red Alert online? 

I am Dutchy, a 34 years old Dutch male who lives in Amsterdam, Holland. I started to play Red Alert on the PS1 as a young kid and i started to play on cncnet since i believe 2015. I quit playing RA end of 2018, started again in november 2020.

2) Which other games do you play online?

Besides Red Alert . I play online once in a while Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour, and i love City Skylines! Sorry, i cannot help it! 

3) Why did you join WP clan?

 I joined the WP family since last week. Me and Natu were chatting a bit and i typed for fun WP[Dutchy], and the rest is history. It is a new clan with a few oldtimers who have lots of knowledge about the game. The clan has also some challenging maps made by Entidad, who himself is a smart player. That in combination with new players willing to learn the game and also having alot off fun, made me join WP.

4) What is your favourite map and why?

Ribbon, both ore and gems. I know it is not the most fair map ( ore trucks ), but i like the fact that you can use every strategy and every unit ( land, boat. air ), on that map.

5) What is your most memorable game(s)?

Not one in particular, but I have had many great games on Ribbon (Ore & Gems) where all the money has run out and tactics have won the game.

6) Who is your biggest rival on CnCNet?

Not a real rivalry, however I would say Bart! Bart likes to troll me!😃

7) Who is your best friend(s) on Red Alert?

I don't have a real Red Alert buddy. I'm here to win. 

8) Who is your favourite Red Alert YouTuber/streamer?

Both Beast and Hezb make good streams. I like the instructional Youtube videos Natediaz  made.

9) Which changes would you like to make to Red Alert/CnCNet?

If you talk about the game i would say nothing at all. It is the greatest RTS game ever made, simply for the fact that this game from 1996 still has surprises( GQ ). It is a bloody shame what EA did to Red Alert Remastered - it is  a different game entirely.

To CnCNet, i would say that it would be great to have the possibility to donate through Ideal.

10) Any final comments?

yes, i wanna say some things about my trolling days. It's simple, it wont happen again!! For me it was a kind of scapegoat in darker times. All to blame for, except myself.

And to you Crush, thanks for having me in your interview!



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