The biggest EGOs of the CnCNet era of Red Alert 1

This is a topic which needs addressed. I myself have in the past have been guilty of a massive ego. My massive ego usually appears on the scene after MrBoo mode is activated after the 14th alcoholic beverage has been consumed. Generally, actually, my ego isn't as big as people think. Yes I do think I'm one of the strongest overall players of Red Alert, however  I can openly admit there are a (very) small handful of players that are even stronger than myself (even though I can still pump them silly from time to time on the odd game), for example:

                                                          [Get fucking shit on, cunts]

A true egomaniac is someone who thinks they are virtually unbeatable or are God level, untouchable, special. In other words someone with "bratty spoilt child syndrome". I would first like to give some honourable mentions before I start the list. 

 Ehy - was the best player I've faced, and he did have a massive ego, but he didn't brag about it - he was very professional in his approach. Ehy did not have the megalomaniac mental illness type ego that the top 5 possessed.

Similarly, Bea5ty and Ford are amazing players and 2 of the best players I've faced, but are surprisingly unboastful in their approach compared to the colourful characters who made the list. 

 I also consider Robskate to have a massive ego. The guy thinks he is a God of the game, but in reality he is extremely limited in his skill set. Yes he is very strong on a small Q-tank or GQ tank scenario or standard maps like path and KOTG, but this is a guy who is literally a beginner on a soviet building game or an allies chrono/heli scenario. I'm not exaggerating when I say I would rather have sp0ckab or KOBA on my team in a p4 or rasta 2v2 long game.

Finally, Oldpr0 might come across as having an incredible inflated view of himself, but deep down he knows he is just kind of trolling and playing a character. In reality knows there's dozens of players stronger than himself and just does it for a WWE style show. That's why we do love our OldPr0 and he is the most entertaining clown on CnCNet - he's a money drawer that's for sure.

Without further ado, I present the 5 biggest egos of the CnCNet era of Red Alert:

5) NastyNate

Secretly, Nate has almost a bigger ego than anyone. I do strongly believe that all his chitter chatter of being retired and not playing seriously is to protect his ego. I have seen behind the mask a few times and what I've seen is someone who thinks they are the supreme being of this game, and any sort of threat is shunned with a ferocious precision. That's why you have never seen Nate enter the 1v1 battle arena for the last decade! I shudder to think of the impact it would have on Nate's psyche were he to get bartsamad on a pico or riverboated on a 4c. In reality it's true that Nate has one of the biggest egos of all, as he's the only top 10 player in the last decade to not roll up his sleeves and rumble.

4) Dynamic

Some people might be surprised that everyone's favourite chubby poodle does not appear higher on the list, as Dynamic openly arrogantly professes his God-like ability. However, it's true that you do sometimes see a softer side of Dynamic and he openly admits for example that he holds Beasty's pocket and rolls his joints in a 2v2 scenario. Additionally, there's been some even crazier egos in Red Alert so to achieve 4th place is still a remarkable feat.

3)  RC1985

When someone refers to themself in the 3rd person as a messiah you know there's some latent daddy issues/ego problems there. Everyone's favourite Red Alert youtuber did have a bit of an ego problem. However, he's not quite as high on the list as the top 2 due to the fact that he would openly admit when people are better than him. For example, he did particularly enjoy polishing Ehy's shoes. Ultimately, you can't have the biggest ego if you don't think you are the best.


2) Milo234

I love Milo to bits. Everyone loves the beholder of the almighty golden jockstrap and there's nothing wrong with having an ego. However, it's true Milo spoke with an autistic level arrogance about his abilities and approach to the game. He spoke as if he was 100% true in everything he wrote or said. It must have been a shock to the system when for example he got destroyed by H3zb on their Bo11 1v1 and when he realised that tanks are not the optimal play on HJK6. 

1) At0m1

A facile decision. At0m1 was literally the Wizard of Oz of Red Alert. He would sit on the balcony and call everyone else nublets or nubenators. Nothing ever impressed At0m1 and he would belittle Ehy's achievments and victories. I actually liked At0m1 on a personal level and found him kind of cool, but it doesn't take a genius to work out that this guy's ego was bigger than NastyMuad's steroid collection. At0m1 takes the crown for the biggest ego in the history of CnCNet Red Alert. See the below clip for how I viewed At0m1:

 Thanks for reading, stay tuned for more!

El CrushyBoo



The bear has been caged

The hot news in the Red Alert universe this week is that the father of XI (also known as The Bear, The Ogre, Bea5ty's joint roller and Lordy) has been banned for 30 days 😔😱.

Many have speculated why this may be so. Did he cheat? Racist abuse? Cursing at admins? I am here, with exclusive sources, to set the record straight.

The bear is not getting any honey for the next 30 days out of choice. 😱😱😱!! Yes that's right, you heard it. After the latest match in which his partner Rushy threw away a 5-2 lead against ORA (losing 5-6), The Bear decided it needed a break from the game.

So deep was the addiction that The Bear called down an admin and politely asked for a 30 day naughty step timeout so he could escape his addiction and focus on more important things (eg getting drunk and fighting with male 19 year old fashion design students in the pub).

So yes, welcome to a world in which we will have 30 days of Red Alert without Lordy. Don't worry, however, as there seems to be lots of games on offer, last night there were 3x full 2v2 pr0 games on the go for several hours. Jump on and feed your crack-like addiction to this 30 year old game.

In other news, Jacob was wondering why he was mentioned in my previous article and questioned its accuracy. To explain why Jacob is the front-running candidate for "Passed around blunt of the year 2022" I would like to introduce non Brits to a football manager known as Steve Bruce. This is the list of football teams which Brucey has managed:

As you are well aware, I hold this blog to the highest standards so I don't appreciate my journalistic integrity being questioned. By virtue of the fact that Jacob in the last year has played for ORA, NM, RAM, OP, 1, BAT, I think we would be well within our rights to start calling him ORA-Steve or ORA-Bruce. Jacob has joined a new team this year even more often than the number of times oldpro has lost all his chips at the poker table.

That's all for now folks. Hopefully the bear will get his honey after 30 days.

Credit to R3sistant for the article title*.


Why I left ORA clan

Just to set the record straight and refute some false rumours.

Firstly, I am still on good terms with ORA-boy. He's a good guy. A genuine, nice person, I have absolutely no problem with him whatsoever and wish him every success.

I have left the clan because I do not have enough time or energy to devote to competitive Red Alert. I'm not interested in training hard to compete in 2v2 clan matches. I simply don't have the drive that I once did. I don't enjoy spending Saturdays playing RA tournaments or 2v2 matches and would rather devote my limited free time to other, more sociable activities. I enjoy this game and like to play in my free time particularly on week nights when I get a chance, however I simply cannot commit to hardcore competitive play anymore like I was able to when I was a student or during the covid pandemic. Life comes first. This is the absolute truth and if you think I am lying then I couldn't care less. It is what it is. I just simply don't care about winning or being good at Red Alert anywhere near as much as I used to. Even losses don't really hurt me like they once did. Perhaps I'm just getting older (and wiser) - after all there's a few grey hairs appearing on my head! 😧

Above was the predominant reason I have left the clan. To avoid being a distraction and stop being asked to play in competions in which I have no wish to compete. Perhaps one day this will change, but not for the forseeable future as I am extremely busy with other endeavours in life.

And NO, I am not interested in joining other clans. I left clan warfare because I wish to be a lone ranger legend like bart. A God-like figure who watches from the balcony and scoffs at the mediocre play being displayed.

Also Blitz is an untrustworthy snake who sucked off Davie the clown 🤡 when myself and Leigh got banished for a month. A 2-faced cunt.

Jacob also has the same slut gene as Lordy. In the last year alone he/she has represented OP, NM, RAM, BAT, [1] and ORA. I think he/she had an addiction to jumping on the first available cock that that he/she sees.

Just a short update.

Keep calm and tank!