End of Year Awards 2022 - Nominations now open

Pleased to announce that the draft of Awards for Red Alert 1, Year 2022, are now open. Vice President of Player Relations, bart, will be collecting your nominations. Unfortunately, my time schedule is such that I simply don't have enough time to enter into direct communications with B-tier or lower players at the moment. Direct communication with me is through a 3rd party only. You should communicate via bart in the first instance. A-tier players can message me through the normal channels and I'll try to reply when I'm back from my mountain climb, navy seal fitness contest or my deadlifting.

Anyway, below is a a run-down of the various awards and criteria. We'll start with the most prestigious award first:

Butler of the Year

Budo has graciously surrendered the most prestigious award of "Butler of the Year" as he would like to see another player benefit from its prestige in 2022.

ORA-Crushy: Can you say a few lines about what the title of Butler of the Year meant to you?

Budo: The experience has been life changing. It was euphoric to receive such a recognition. It was an honour to win this award and made all the years of laundry changing and piano polishing worth it. I really am so grateful for the prestige and opportunities that have come with this accolade. I've now moved into a consultant role - I train the next generation of aspiring Butlers. Therefore, it's only right that I could not in good faith retain the award for this year - there are many deserving of its grandeur. I can't wait to see who takes the title for 2022 and best wishes to all candidates! May the best gin pourer win!

Have any Butlers stood out to you this year? Any particularly clean plates and dishes? The air freshener particularly refreshing after a sweaty t-dawg 2v2? Get your nomination and reasons into bart asap.

Lifetime achievement award

Yuzgen took home the title for 2021 after dedicating his sphincter muscle to 20+ years of defeats. Yuzgen single handedly turned many aspiring pros into men over 10s of 1000s of games, many of which were live streamed for our viewing pleasure.

Has any player achieved a remarkable feat in 2022? Who has gone the extra mile to cement their name into Red Alert history? Get your votes into the 4-letter-word, official Rank 5 player on CnCNet, bart.

Rookie of the Year

Dynamic took this title in 2021 after dumping the shitty low-IQ Remastered version of the game and starting to play proper RA. Have any bat-metz or nastyahlem type players made an impression on you this year? Anyone rising through the ranks at a rapid rate? Get your votes into the offical rank 1 American player.

Streamer of the Year

Any player had particularly good commentary? A particularly robust set of sweaty man-boobs? Noobish Q? Losing won games? Who has been the most entertaining streamer this year? Let the 4 lettered God know ASAP.

Player of the Year

The least important award. Who actually gives a shit who wins at this 30 year old game. Regardless, we'll give it out anyway out of tradition. blah blah blah.

Bonus Awards

Stay tuned for some surprise bonus awards recognising dedication to the game.

Get your nominations in!