Player Focus Series: Yuzgen


A world exclusive interview with the Turkish Rambo. Such an honour to interview the man who once broke a man's nose with a fist. Yuzgen has acquired his skills through years of experience  and through adapting his  bare-knuckle fighting skills to Red Alert. He is famous in his homeland for being an author of erotic literature and for being a real life version of Guile from Street Fighter. Find him on CnCNet or where he can be seen slaughtering and ho-hoing at the latest generation of puppies. [Answers in bold] 

1. When did you start playing Red Alert? 


2. Why Red Alert? 

I dislike 3D RTS games. RA is the best of 2D RTS's.

3. Which games do you play apart from RA? or any interesting other hobbies?

War Thunder Ground Forces and chess at FICS. I'm interested in computers.

4. Who do you consider to be your greatest rival? 

Katsh. I played and enjoyed more games than anybody against him and learned a lot.

5. What is your most memorable game?

Sol3 underestimated me before a 2v2 P4 game. I took his powa with nades and it was GG.

6. Who is your favourite ra youtuber/streamer?


7. Favourite map?


8. What is the single best tip you would give to other players?

Know your enemy

9. Are there any major changes you would make to Red Alert?

Remove GQ. Back to Q skills.

10. Any final comments?

I'm the NastyKiller. Oooooo!

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for the next edition which shall feature a British carnivore who feasts on live mice.