Know Your Enemy

[Copyright: Rage Against The Machine]

A wise man (Ford) once noted that many players like to play 1vs0. That is to say, they broadly play the exact same strategy every game and execute the same build order without really adjusting. Diaz (4+ wars GQ) and OldPro (straight cying into teslas) are classic examples of this: sorry guys.

Players like this, while good players, are easier to play against and more exploitable than players such as Lordy and Yuzgen, since Lordy and Yuzgen are capable of mixing up their play and being unpredictable. Because Diaz plays pretty much the same way every game, the majority of players find it more relaxing and easier to play against him than Lordy, even though Diaz is obviously stronger in terms of pure tanking.

Why do I mention 1vs0? Well it introduces a very important part of Red Alert which separates the very best players from the rest. The reason Bea5ty is perhaps the best active player right now is because he never lets you relax. You don't get to just sit and play 1vs0 against Bea5ty, he will make you chase his grenadiers or medium tanks and as a result he will make you sloppy and slower in your build order. 

I also try to put my opponent under pressure as early as possible by being aggressive with infantry or by sending a scout light tank for example. Your goal should be to make your opponent anxious. When  you make your opponent defend more and put them on alert, you ultimately cause them to make mistakes which gives you an advantage. 

Hezb is another good example of a player who exploits the opposition with his 4 early tanks rush. While using the 4 tanks to rush he slows down his opponent and buys time to make construction yards and teslas at home. He might even get a bonus with the 4 tanks and snipe the enemy construction yard or ore truck. This is an example of playing actively. 

Croboy is the allied player version of Hezb. No one gets to relax against the Pro Bro. Light tanks will swarm you and pound you into submission if you try to be passive and play 1v0.

Knowing your enemy increases your win rate. Over time and experience if you know how a certain player plays you can exploit them. For example if you know someone NEVER rushes, you can make extra CYs at the start and increase your building speed and gain a huge time lead. 

When playing vs Bart you need to be prepared for a circus type game where you enter the house of horrors. If you try to play ABC milo guide against Bart you will end up losing a lot of clown games. Against Bart you need to be actively aware of the possibility of a construction yard being dumped in your face on any map and flame towers going spaz mode on you. This is particularly relevant on Pico and KOTG maps. 

See where I'm going with this? Scouting and adapting to the game are some of the most fundamentally important aspects of the game. You cannot afford to just sit and play the exact same way no matter what. You need to be a jack of all trades to truly master this game. 

I've played so many games and have become so experienced that, believe it or not, I can tell who my opponent is by something as little as their rifle infantry positioning. This is particularly helpful on the Ladder where games are anonymous until someone resigns. If you can scout out your enemy earlier you can give yourself an advantage. For example, if I see my opponent making his rifle men behind his wall on 4c Niklas, chances are I know it is Katsh trying to build and I can rush early. 

The less predictable you are = the more anxious you make your opponents and that ultimately wins more games. 

Work out your opponents' weaknesses and try to adapt with the best strategy. For example, if you are against Kicknass, go for a rush and try to kill him early you are stupid to go for a long game. Against robskate, try to avoid a Q battle and go for a longer Cying game. Do not play into your opponents' strengths if you can avoid it. Try to play the game on your terms and bring the parameters of the game to a battle which favours you. Obviously this isn't always possible and is easier said than done, but I hope you understand the general principle. 

In conclusion, I think this advice could be invaluable for a lot of players. If you are more actively thinking about game plan instead of just playing ABC 123 with no deviation, you will win a lot more games. I hope you enjoyed reading this. Stay tuned for more! 

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