Ad explains why been getting pumped by the Tier 3s

I can now also officially reveal that Ad has been a naughty boy and attempting to extort certain RA players. He's been wanting paid £1000 and for people let him win some games. Fortunately chief admin N8Diaz has stepped in and disciplined our favourite Butler. He's warned Ad to get back in his box or he will suffer the same fate as The Bear. Diaz is a good daddy and is disciplining the kids.

So Ad, lay off the glue and behave.

Ad should read the blog's advice and lay off the boxing and get back on the qmaster. Needs to stop getting pumped off oldpro on 2v2 and fighter on 1v1. Needs to stop trying to beef with players 2 tiers higher.

Uncle Crushy.

Pride comes before a fall

It's no secret that the pro scene of Red Alert 1 is really struggling at the moment. Most of the Tier 1 and Tier 2 players are taking a break from the game during the summer months. What's left is a bunch of tier 3 and tier 4 players duking it out for the cruiserweight title.

I've heard reports that even the reigning back-to-back 2* BUTLER OF THE YEAR, Ad, fancies himself as a bit of an alpha now that the Big Dawgs are not around.

Unfortunately Ad is still getting exposed as being Tier 4 and is not even the best player in his own town.

Ad gets pumped by Fighter after giving it the big un. Proof Ad is not even Lebanon top 5. Ad has become known as Fighter's spunk bucket nowadays because Fighter always fists him in 1v1. 

The lesson here is to not get too big for your boots. Ad is still getting humbled by the likes of Fighter, Oldpro and Bart. Oldpro has won 14 games straight against Ad on 2v2 at time of writing. 

Ad has claimed that the reason for his losses is that he's tired after spending all morning in the gym. I think someone is telling wee porky pies to be honest and I don't believe him. Do you? I think Ad has only ever visited the gym to use the toilet.

Stay humble and keep training folks.

Speak with actions not words.

Listen to At0m1's words and have pr0 attitude xD

Crushy fucking Tzu

Crush's gossip corner June 2024

 Good news for you all. Mr Anonymous slid into my DM's this morning with some delightful insights into the current state of Red Alert 1 on CnCNet. Here's some brief news flash highlights:


No change here and no word on when DaddyDiaz plans to release the bear back into the wild. The Bear is spending its free time learning how to play the Cello with an old pal via discord.


People are not sure on the exact reason since BigD announced he's now an RA2 player. The word on the street is he got frustrated at constantly losing to Lauta on P4 and gave up, but others say it's because he was annoyed at Gganbu not being around and so he wasn't able to improve on his "2nd best' tag.


Fighter won the Tier3 May 2024 Ladder and pumped Ad in the process. This proved to everyone that Ad is Tier4 and he is below RedAlert1, Fighter and Oldie in the Lebanese rankings. This hasn't deterred our favourite Butler though as he's been seen everyday in lobby swinging his dick around and challenging the likes of KOBA, Dutchy and Toshy to 1v1 Best of Series. I guess a leopard never changes its spots.

That's all for now folks.

Stay tuned.