Player Focus Series: DefMike


DefMike should be considered a legend in our community. While not the strongest player in terms of raw battling, he has been an always pleasant opponent for over 2 decades to 1000s of players. He is best known as one of the primary custom map creators in the history of our game. We as a community owe a lot to him. Perhaps best of all he is known for the map HJK6 EvW. A very insightful interview about Red Alert history which you should enjoy reading [answers in bold]:

 1)  Tell us a little about yourself and when did you start playing Red Alert?

I started Red Alert Lan Party when the game was released. In 1996 joined Westwood online. I joined Heat. net in 1997. Next came, and once mplayer died. Gamespy sucked badly so I was trying to look for another place to Red Alert online and I eventually found and the rest is history.

 2) Which other games do you play online?

At various times, Duke Nukem 1, Battlefield 1942, 3d Avatar, 2nd Life etc...I was number 1 on First Blood Hunger for a while.

3) You are a legend in our community for your map making skills. This is perhaps what you are best known for and I hope you realise how much all of the top players appreciate you for this. Can you tell us a little about the maps you created?

I made the original Chrono map called "Chrono at pond", then T2 blue modified it and we eventually arrived at the Chrono map we use today. I am most famous for the HJK6 EvW 3v3 player map which I made because I realised on regular HJK6 that left side's ore trucks were being crazy and it was unfair. Then darasta started editing my maps and we eventually got to Rasta and Goldrush etc.

4) Who is your best ever friend playing Red Alert online?

Iamafreak from He doesn't play anymore. 

5) Who do you consider to be your biggest ever rival(s) in your time playing Red Alert online?

Wow. Good question. Honestly, I always tried to get along with everyone, there is no one I had a real beef with so I would say no one. I'm very fortunate for that.

6) What is your favourite map and why?

GTK Original. Loved stealing enemy CY with APC! lol!

7) What is your most memorable ever game?

Not one in particular. I have had hundreds of great games on GTK original and V3 Rashowdown in particular.

8) You played throughout all eras of the game which very few players can say! Who do you recall being the strongest ever player(s) you faced?

The strongest player I faced was called OldBie from (not to be confused with modern player Oldie). I also think Milo234 was incredibly strong at his top.

9) How does play on CnCNet compare to other severs?

CnCnet is without a doubt the best place there has ever been to play Red Alert online! I love it! It has none of the issues of previous servers and it is just great. The future is very bright.

10) Are there any changes you would like to make to CnCNet/Red Alert?

I played Remastered as well. I would ultimately like some things from that version to come to CnCNet, at least the graphics. CnCNet is doing an amazing job though, thank you so much to all who made it possible!

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it! Stay tuned for more! Don't forget to follow.