Well you have all no doubt heard the news by now and it had been teased for months... everyone had seen the sexual tension going on between them... In particular they've been sharing lots of private gossips and chats. A secret informer managed to catch a glimpse of a private message NastyNate sent to his new poodle and Nastyclan lieutenant, NastyDynamic:
In light of this RushyBoo has started branding Nate "2Face". So feel free to use this name to distinugish between NastyNate and NateDiaz going forward. On a serious note... at least Nate knows he can trust Dynamic with all his heart and Dyna won't go around sharing private conversations 😅😅😅!?
I interviewed Dynamic about his joining Nasty... he claims to idolise Nate's play and also that Nate now gives him private 1v1 games. An honour no one else has been privy to in recent years.
The big elephant in the room question is: where does this lead NastyMuad? Rumours have it that Maud's been sent outside to find a new home. TDS clan were sounded out but said there's no room at the inn for our Maud. Is there trouble in paradise? Where can Maud go to get in on the clan action now that he's no longer wanted and Nate has a new toyboy?
The reason I called this article "opposites attract", is because Dynamic is frequently down to play anyone anytime (as proven by constantly losing to Gganbu in 1v1 head to heads), yet Nate is the polar opposite and hasn't played a competitive 1v1 in a decade. This is very well known so there must be lots of chemistry between them. All joking aside, I do think Nate and Dynamic make a nice couple - after all there's lots of history of German immigration to Chile. Hopefully we see them step up to the plate and 2v2 some other titans of the game in the coming months. Who wouldn't want to see Dynamic and Nate take on Jacob and Gganbu (or zizou and sp0ckab) for example? Set it up.
In other news, shout out to everyone's favourite Turkish Rambo. 3 days back to back of 15 hour twitch streams. Full blown addiction. Stamina of a wild mountain ox.
Also has anyone seen N8Diaz? He's not been spotted online in a few weeks? Perhaps what was left of his brain didn't return from the latest acid mushroom trip adventure to the purple mountain? Get well soon Diaz bro to bro. Don't worry the bear won't be able to swim the channel and reach you, it will sink in the sea like a poop being flushed down the toilet.
Thanks for reading,
Last train to Crushcentral