Beware of the dog!

 Red Alert 1 online is home to some weird and wonderful creatures. All forms of mental illness are represented on this haven of human excellence. It's often been said that Red Alert 1 could refute Darwin's Theory of Evolution, as you only need to spend but 5 minutes on there and you wonder how some of these beings won the sperm race and achieved natural selection all the way through to 2022. There's even an individual who identifies as an actual goose, see: Goose Lives Matter .

If you've been around long enough, you'll no doubt have seen or heard a dog barking when you play Red Alert 1 online. The Mad Dog on CnCNet is known as Muad Dib (or Maud if you are dyslexic like Leigh).

The Mad Dog first appeared around 2014 and would often bark after a frustrating loss "DjSAHFSFGHDGHDGHDGHDSGH!!! FFSSS!!! REEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Over time, the Mad Dog's behaviour became even more erratic as it would frequently just take up and leave in the middle of the game and look for a bush to shit in. Much to the dismay of its partners in 2v2.

Fortunately, in recent years, the Mad Dog got a new owner called NastyNate, who changed the dog's name to NastyMuad. Nate has generally been a good owner and has helped to keep it on a leash. It doesn't bark as much anymore. You'll occasionally see it growl and bare its teeth but Nate only needs to whistle and it usually behaves itself.

However, there are still some times when you see the Mad Dog's feral nature rear its ugly head. This is usually when its owner isn't online. 

I'm here to give some advice on how to handle the Mad Dog if you come across it in an aggressive state. My first tip would be to offer it a biscuit or a treat, this is usually all it's after. It just wants to feel a little bit of attention and love and it usually starts to behave itself again. Secondly, if it keeps barking and losing games, suggest it goes for a walk. Maybe it just needs some fresh air and to calm down and regroup. Finally, you can try giving it a pat on the nose or tickling its tummy, but beware if you get too close it might bite your Q finger off.

I'm a great believer that you should never blame the dog, you should always the blame the owner. The animal only does what it's trained to do. With this in mind, stay safe and protect yourself at all times.

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more.